Day 10

So as we’re a little behind we thought we’d give you a weather update from here in Scotland and then back fill the rest of the blog a little later…

It’s on the windy side. For those thinking about cycling over the Scottish highlands with driving rain and head winds gusting up to 60mph (if you believe the news) then my advice is maybe don’t.

To put a bit of perspective on this – imagine cycling down hill at about 15 miles an hour. Then the wind blows and you stop dead and fall off your bike. You look round and the two blokes behind have also stopped dead. You look at each other and think ‘oh well only another 40 miles in this direction’. Let’s just say the first two thirds of our day were ‘interesting’

After that it got a lot better – bit of shelter and easily the best down hill of our trip so far – A82 heading north from the top of Glencoe Mountain down to Glencoe village. 30mph for about 10 minutes through some unbelievable scenery.

Right that’s about it for today… It’s bed time

One thought on “Day 10

  1. you guys are amazing. I cant believe that you are doing this, let alone in such hideous conditions :) You are so close to the finish. Keep up the good work. I am thinking about you all lots – from all the way in Australia :)

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